On August 24th at the Rhode Island Women’s Caucus General Meeting, the Caucus membership voted to strongly support Governor McKee’s mask mandate for public schools.
States that have already returned to school across the country--particularly in the South--give us a foreboding look into our future. With the highly contagious Delta variant on the rise, the public health disaster unfolding in states like Florida and Texas showcase the dangers posed to our children, our youngest and most vulnerable of whom remain ineligible for vaccination. We’ve seen pediatric ICUs overwhelmed, and adult hospitals yet again struggling under the burden of more COVID patients than beds.
We cannot let this happen in Rhode Island. Our teachers and our children are in danger. Masking is a small but significant step to prevent the spread of covid-19. Masking is evidence based, CDC recommended, and risk-free.
As Rhode Islanders, many of us parents, the Rhode Island Democratic Women’s Caucus believes this is our responsibility. We must protect public health, especially for our school-age population. We support following CDC recommendations, including and especially mask mandates indoors.
